Meeting the needs of Wyoming County since 1968.

The Wyoming County United Way is a local, private, non-profit organization made up of a caring group of local volunteers who are deeply committed to improving the quality of life for individuals and families living in Wyoming County.

Our purpose is to bring people and resources together to address the most urgent issues facing residents throughout Wyoming County.

About Donations

Every donation is important. Giving in proportion to your ability gives a sense of belonging to a larger community and of making a difference. The Wyoming County United Way combines your gift to hundreds of others and then focuses those donations to have a measurable impact on key issues that matter in our community.

All Grant Recipients are registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and provide services or programs that address the identified needs of Wyoming County residents.

Your United Way investment, combined with the investments of others, has the power to bring about changes that matter in our community. When you contribute, you help more than one person or one charity. United Way is the collective power of caring people working together toward community solutions. When you partner with United Way, you’re assured of making the greatest impact possible.

One gift to United Way supports a complete network of services. Your contribution to Wyoming County United Way stays in our community and helps Wyoming County residents in three areas:


Community Goal:

Helping people achieve their potential


Quality Education

Employment Opportunities


Community Goal:

Improving accessibility to basic needs


Childhood Hunger

Delivery of Services


Community Goal:

Promoting a safe and healthy community


Improving People’s Health and Wellness

Community Safety

By focusing on these 3 issues, our community will develop successful young people, support financial stability, and contribute to the healthy lives of our residents.