Employee and Workplace Campaigns

Why conduct a United Way Workplace Campaign?

A workplace campaign is a great way to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to the community and could be a great team building experience. It does not matter how many staff you have. We can run a campaign with just a few people.

Our staff, volunteers, and partner agencies will provide assistance to help your business conduct a successful employee campaign. Our proven strategy helps you make the most of your company’s time and resources. A United Way campaign can be tailored to best fit the needs of your staff, including time and location.

Planned Giving

The Wyoming County United Way established a sustaining endowment at The Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains. This permanent endowment will provide annual support to the United Way for its operational and administrative expenses so that more proceeds donated to the United Way may be directly used for its charitable and community activities.

Gifts to the Wyoming County United Way endowment should not be in place of your regular annual donation. Instead, consider it a part of your plan to continue to help those in need for years to come.

For more information about donating to our endowment, please contact the Wyoming County United Way office or The Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains at