Last year we hit a milestone as it was Wyoming County United Way’s 50 Year Anniversary. Now, in 2019, we hit another milestone as we enter our next 50 years of helping people in Wyoming County! As we begin our United Way campaign, we would like you to consider joining United Way’s mission of improving lives right here in Wyoming County. You will help to create lasting changes. United Way believes investing in our community is an important responsibility. And when you give to United Way your return on investment is more children receiving a quality education, more families with enough income to remain independent, and people living healthy lives.

Last year, we raised $636,345 in our annual campaign. United Way volunteers efficiently put those dollars to work by funding 21 agencies in our community. By investing in these programs, we can help create long-lasting changes in the lives of people in Wyoming County.
We have officially kicked off our 2019 Campaign. Let’s make this the most successful campaign ever! Please join me in giving to Wyoming County United Way.  With one gift to United Way, you will touch the lives of many individuals and families.

I am proud of our accomplishments and the impact we have made. By donating to Wyoming County United Way, you become a part of creating an environment where people come together every day to make our region a better place for all of us to live. Together, united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.